Every Programmer Needs An Anti Blue Light Glass 👓

Tayab Pabel
2 min readAug 18, 2020

Being a programmer requires a lot of screen attentions. Long hours can unconsciously put your vision at risk. Also, if you are a regular user of computers or smartphones anti-blue glasses are a great option because they are portable. You will start to notice that after using anti-blue light glasses for a while, your headaches, tired eyes, and poor sleep quality will be decreased, and you’ll be able to work on your computer or watch TV without any worry.

A typical programmer spends more than eight hours a day in front of a computer, exposing their eyes to multiple digital screens. Spending long hours in front of a computer means limiting the time of outdoor activities, which can unwillingly affect your physical well-being. It can also affect the melatonin hormone which regulates the sleep cycle.

What is an anti blue light glass?

Anti-blue light glasses have tinted lenses with anti-reflective protection. These lenses limit the display of blue light in cell phone, certain light bulbs, and even sunlight. Our eyes are sensitive to blue light is a high-energy light. As well as, it reduces developing eye damage, brain damage, and improve symptoms of computer vision syndrome.

How does anti blue light glasses work?

Anti blue light glasses block unhealthy blue light rays and stop them from reaching our eyes. They have a yellow-tinted filter that is outlined to cut out the blue light rays from the screen. They also naturally increase the contrast on the screen, which makes things easier to see and therefore reduces the level of strain on your eyes.

Why anti blue light glasses are a great option?

Spending hours each day staring at a screen has become such a major part of our culture that we don’t often think about it. But the light release by these devices has many health risks. These devices give a certain short-wavelength blue light. For these reasons anti blue light glasses are necessary. Since it is probably impossible for most people to give up using these types of technology, many companies are developing solutions to help reduce the effects of blue light.

By wearing anti-blue light glasses while on the computer and taking other steps to limit your exposure to blue light, you can improve your overall eye health. There are different techniques that you can practice to ensure your vision. You can even try using these glasses after getting a proper prescription from your doctor. In a world of technology, your eyes are exposed to harmful effects daily. Therefore, you have to be careful with your eyes for better vision.



Tayab Pabel

A curiosity-driven front-end engineer with a passion for designing and building user-centric, inclusive experiences on the web.